New to ecom?

Don't try to launch a free plus shipping store.

"But I'll get a bunch of good data to build LLAs"


Using this method to collect data faster when you're just starting out is the worst idea ever.

Let me explain why 👇
Someone told me this the other day and I was shocked that they expected this to work.

Free plus shipping in general is a very hard strategy to turn profitable (one main exception, I'll talk about it at the end).

Your room for profitability is very tight on the front end.
When you're advertising a free plus shipping product, do you understand the type of customer you are attracting to your store?

No? Let me tell you.


They're only interested in your product because it's "free".
Even if you include that they have to pay for shipping, most users won't notice that until they get to the checkout page or won't expect the shipping to be that expensive.

That's why there is always such a high drop off rate from add to cart to initiate checkout.
But, now your pixel has a ton of data on people who are only interested in your product because they think it's "free".

So why would creating a LLA off of that data be a good idea?

Exactly, it's not.

FB would just find more low quality users.
Not saying people can't make it work but it's much harder to do so.

Especially for a beginner.

It requires an optimized funnel/backend to help increase LTV.

Most successful F+S I see these days typically have sort of monthly subscription upsell.
Hope this little thread helps you guys.

If you have any questions, please comment them down below.


P.S. - Want more free tips about Facebook Ads?

Check out my 2020 Facebook Ads Beginner Thread 👇
You can follow @AdsAlchemist.
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