...is why I was working on this, 15 years ago --
In my former life, directing TV commercials, I spent a fair amount of time hanging out in red states, far from my downtown Manhattan upbringing. Frankly, you could see Trump coming 20 years back. But that's not even the main problem.
This is the main problem. https://twitter.com/cityatlas/status/1160987239503077378?s=20
But even produced in depth, public dialogue won't solve elite-level rot. We're a technocratic society, and both power and wealth flow upward. That makes bad things happen.
Of 20 similar think pieces across Twitter right now, Yanis Varoufakis' post does a good job summing up recent history.
https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/nov/08/hoping-for-a-return-to-normal-after-trump-thats-the-last-thing-we-need Apart from the legacy of race and a well-tended culture war, there's logic in that if you loot people, they bite back.
The genius luck of having a reality TV star in place is that you can get them to bite _someone else_ back.
(This is essentially the entire project of what we call 'the GOP,' as though it's 'politics,' but rarely does it work as well as it has with Trump.) https://twitter.com/cityatlas/status/1267139673761202176?s=20
The better you understand the relationship between universities, economics, and democracy, the more you'll understand that climate change is just a symptom of a much deeper problem. https://twitter.com/FBoversight/status/1327626413738954753?s=20
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