In ppl’s attempt to “educate” Black voters, ppl never question WHY Millions of Black voters STOPPED voting Repub. That, by itself is anti Black. Cause instead of looking at Black voters coming out of slavery as educated/motivated voters, voting for their own best interest... see Black voters...Black People as being in need of leadership. Of guidance. Cause we’re too “dumb” to know any better, instead of seeing that NO ONE votes as pragmatic as Black Americans. We lived thru this country’s terror. And we still are. You don’t think Black...
...people, fresh out of slavery knew what this political system was & is?? Just insulting people’s intelligence & being anti-Black af. Instead of being racist, why don’t you bring that same energy to the tens of millions of WP who vote Repub? How about you do that?
Also, in these convos about why Black ppl don’t vote Repub anymore, the question is did the Dem party lose tens of millions of awhite voters?? Voters who the Dem party knows, it might never get back. What could’ve possibly made all those awhite voters switch????
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