I think people need to get REALLY cautious about the attitude "Nothing Biden can do will be worse than what Trump did", especially this early on.
A counter intuitive part of politics is that it's far easier for a president to basically butcher and do the reverse of their parties platform than an opposition president.
For example, LBJ escalating Vietnam in a way Nixon would never get away with, or Bill Clinton slashing the social safety net in ways Reagan could have only DREAMED of, Bush launching a massive war right after his party spent a decade lambasting Dems for doing it.
Things like privatizing social security, allowing people to withdraw from Social security and eat up all their quarters so there's none for retirement, cutting pensions and benefits, etc are going to have an easier time getting through a Biden admin than a Trump one.
I don't think people pay enough attention to the fact that because politics is basically a culture war at this point, a lot of Dems really don't give a shit if a president starts stripping the house of copper and wire so long as it's a Democrat president doing it.
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