8 Things Settlers of Catan Can Teach You About Winning At Life.

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Setters of Catan is a VERY popular board game that involves expanding your empire through:

- Trade
- Growth
- Production

It is our favourite board game because it is fun AND strategic, as life should be.

But what can it teach you?
1. We don't start from an equal footing.

In Settlers, everyone starts with different resources and production odds.

In Life, everyone's starting position (what they are born with) is different.

But remember - every starting position has an advantage.

Find yours.
2. It's all about strategy.

In Settlers, the goal is to be the first to 10 points.

In Life, your goals may be different than others, but the premise is the same:

Embrace what you have.
Use it to your advantage.
Set goals.
Design a strategy for success.
3. Use your resources wisely.

In Settlers, the resources you start with and produce, and the quantity of such, are finite.

In Life, the same holds.

If something doesn't align with your goals or strategy, don't waste your time, energy, or resources on it.
4. Specialize and trade.

In Settlers, resources are the currency. You trade what you have for what you don't. Basic competitive advantage economics.

In Life, you trade things for things. Maybe it's cash for stuff, or knowledge.

Either way, everyone transacts.

5. Luck finds those who know WTF they're doing.

In Settlers, if you learn a competitive strategy and hone it, luck suddenly finds you more often.

In Life, this happens if you have goals and work hard.

It's not a coincidence.
6. The underdog can win.

In Settlers, the best starting position doesn't guarantee a win.

In Life, you can grow up poor and STILL outpace those who started with means.

It happens every day.

Don't let your start dictate your finish.
7. You won't always win.

In Settlers, there's one winner. Even if you're the best, it won't always be you.

In Life, you may miss a goal you set for yourself.

That's life.

You don't always win, but as long as you learn, you never lose.
8. Have fun!


In Settlers and in Life, if you're too focused on the task at hand, you will miss the laughs and love and fun that come along the way.

Whether it's a game or your life, if you aren't having fun, you're doing it wrong.

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