U=U stands for Undetectable=Untransmittable. People w/ HIV who’re on effective HIV meds & who achieve & maintain an undetectable viral load (HIV levels so low they can’t be detected by tests) can’t sexually transmit HIV. On social media you’ll often see #UequalsU. #BPAS2020
#UequalsU is synonymous w/ “viral suppression.” The biggest benefit is that it helps ppl live long & healthy lives. And it dismantles stigma, helping ppl HIV shed the shame of having HIV & fear of transmitting HIV to others. It prevents new transmissions too! #BPAS2020
#UequalsU helps ppl w/ HIV live & love w/out fear. Being undetectable is the goal but it doesn’t define who you are. One’s viral load doesn’t equal one’s value. Everyone living w/ HIV has options for safe & healthy sex, regardless of viral load. #Condoms #PrEP #BPAS2020
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