There's been a lot of (needed) coverage over the last few months about how Covid & lockdowns affect a variety of groups. But little to no attention has been paid to new parents (in particular mother's) and I think we need to talk about that (1)
Back in March, the breastfeeding, playgroups, toddler groups etc were the first to go. They hoped to return in September. They didn't. Many of this non-profit organisations have cancelled all in person meetings for the remainder of 2020 (2)
I have seen my local public health nurse once since my daughter was born, when she was 4 days old. The @HSELive re-delpoyed this nurses and in the 10 months since, I only hear from them to tell me the scheduled visits and developmental checks still aren't/won't be happening.
I've been told to check for Zo versions of meetings/support, etc. But in my area (Dublin South) the only ones I've been able to find are for breastfeeding or pregnant women - a category I no longer fall into since my baby stopped BF at 5.5 months (4)
I've found private for-profit groups (baby sensory, etc) who are doing classes online which you pay for and I'm now considering doing there but fact that I am in a position to do this is a privilege many mum's don't have. (5)
For the last 8 months new parents have made do. Without development checks, without support, without family members helping and childcare. But how much longer are they expected to make do? Until there's a vaccine? (7)
I've seen so much commentary about things being "needed" for people to survive. But what about new parents? And first time mum's? What about all the women who are being penalised by politics of favouritism? (8)
How is it that sports matches can be continued to be played, even during level 5, but a group of 10 mother's and babies can meet up in a socially distanced setting? How is one group being put above another? (9)
How is that politicians talk about the diagnosis that will be missed in adults due to people not presenting for appointments - while taking away the same necessary appointments for babies and children? (10)
And there's no end in sight. We're a group that have been completely forgotten and dismissed. Told to get on with it. But that isn't good enough. If thought and planning can go into when pubs open or how sport can be played, at the VERY least parents/babies deserve consideration
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