(1/9)I remember it like it was yesterday.
I ran into a guy I’d known since Middle School.
My business had just started and Holly, Tyler & I were still living in a basement.
I could see the progress happening...but to the outside world, it didn’t make much sense.
(2/9)I was 33 years old with a wife and stepson...living in a basement.
Then he said something I’ve heard at least a hundred times since…
“Why don’t you quit and get a ‘real’ job?”
(3/9)Now, he’s a nice guy, so he softened it up by mentioning how I’d been a successful coach and that I should go back to coaching...but he’d gotten his point across.
Why didn’t I take the stable, secure path?
But he didn’t know what I knew…
that my business was going to work.
(4/9)Once I got that first client, I never had another doubt that my business would work.
Maybe I was naive, but I knew.
I’d already done something I felt was much harder...I’d built a losing baseball program into a winner with less experience & resources than my competitors.
(5/9)If I could do that...then the same traits and actions:
Work ethic
Relationship building
Follow Up
Hunger for learning
Those same things that helped me in baseball would be the foundation in business as well.
(6/9)I knew that I could work harder and think differently...I’d done it my whole professional life.
The average person doesn’t understand an entrepreneur...and they shouldn’t.
We’re the oddballs, the ones who won’t settle and will risk some security for greater opportunity.
(7/9)As long as we understand that if we’re willing to do what most won’t do, we can achieve what most won't.
If we understand we have the power to use the ability, experiences, and traits we’ve used to achieve anything in our lives previously in our businesses…
(8/9)...and if we understand that we can approach something differently or better than the competition and we’re willing to do the important work consistently…
...then we don’t really ever have to worry about getting a ‘real’ job.
Instead, we can build a great business.
(9/9)Now, we can’t just ‘have’ a great business or ‘get’ a great business…
...but we can ‘build’ one.
And when you embrace that role of ‘builder’, you’ll never have to settle again.
You can follow @patrigsby.
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