As many of you know, yesterday is believed to be the 10th day of darkness, something Q has been telling us about for years now. We didn’t know when the 10 days of darkness would be, but we knew they were coming. Turns out that the “10 days of darkness” was in regards to the...
10 day period after the election that the DOJ by constitutional law can’t get involved with the election. Q is always telling us that we “have more than we know”, and the “10 Days of Darkness” was a perfect example of that. This was always about the 2020 election. Why was it...
planned to be this way? It’s simple, it always had to be done this way. If Trump would have won the count, and if the media were projecting him as the winner right now, we would have never heard about the voter fraud the way that we are right now. Trump wanted the media to...
call it for Biden, he wanted them to take the bait and they did. Now we can legally take this evidence to the court and expose it all, something that would have been much harder if he had appeared to won from the start. Now we “show” the public the fraud, show the public...
who orchestrated and committed it, show the public which foreign countries were involved, we set up a safeguard for future elections, we remove foreign interference and corruption, we install US-owner voter ID laws, and we reveal the real winner of the election and the...
landslide of a win he truly had. The public needed a taste of a Biden victory because only at the moment of absolute destruction will the public find the will to change. It was a period that we will look back on and refer to as the 10 Days of Darkness.
And how did we get confirmation that this was the 10 Days of Darkness? Well, last night Q made 3 drops, it was the first drops Q has made since Election Day morning (10 days ago). At the end of one of the drops Q said “Sometimes you must walk through the darkness before you...
see the light”. I don’t know about you, but that sounds like a confirmation to me.

Now let’s finish this!
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