2 stocks that turned $7,280 into $116,420 within 6 months of 2020

Before we proceed, please do know this isn’t financial advise

Take it with a pinch of salt and this isn’t a recommendation

It’s only a case study of what worked and is working

That said, let’s proceed
Earlier during the pandemic, I observed what industries would tend to benefit from the lockdown and a couple came to mind

Then I made sure to study the financial charts, the company culture and a couple of things before making any decision
Here’s one that could have made you an extra 2850% ROI


PENN is a gaming stock and earlier in March 2020, 18th March to be precise

It was selling at $4.52

now as you can imagine

people were bored indoors and majority of gamers did what they do best
They played games and we witnessed higher consumption of gaming technology

Now if you had bought in at $4.52 at 1,000 units

As of October 1 2020, it was as high as $74.07

which means an initial investment of $4,520

could have made you an easy $74,070. Profit of $69,550
Imagine what that could have done for you? 😋

now if you’re excited about that

here’s the second one

with the rise in demands for electric cars, the stocks have shot up like crazy

But you might be thinking Tesla right?

A small under the radar company called NIO, it’s a Chinese automobile company that designs and manufactures premium electric vehicles

while the world was stoked about TSLA, this small rival of its got my interest

And after much decision, felt it was a good buy
because of the obvious reasons

Electric cars are the future

so if you bought it’s stock when it was selling for $2.76 on 25th of March 2020 at 1,000 units

you’d have $42.35 as of 5th November 2020

Easy $42,350 Return on your investment of $2,760 in March
now I know these ain’t common things to happen and we’re witnessing the biggest wealth transfer of the decade

So the best things you can do for yourself this time around

is to study history and arm yourself with the right information
if you found value in this, do me a favor and RT the first tweet in the thread

And if you love eye opening and insightful content on wealth building

I create bite-sized distilled information around my interests which include wealth building
and helping digital product creators sell more of their core offers by perfecting their messaging to increase their conversions and sales

shoot me a follow and let’s connect

I’d be doing this often

That’s how you could have turned $7280 into $116,420
all within March to November 2020

so do me a favor and tag anyone who would find this interesting and don’t forget to RT the first tweet in this thread
P.S by the way

I’m not a pro stock market investor or trader

I am still learning more about everything and just documenting what I’ve discovered

So if you’d love to see more of my progress, stay tuned as I’d be sharing more onwards
You can follow @HQawiyy.
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