If AOC were acting like a normal member of the House Progressive Caucus, like a Dennis Kucinich or Raúl Grijalva, sponsoring very progressive bills, working within the Democratic Party, making nice with her colleagues who disagree with her, Democrats wouldn't resent her so much.
"Centrist" Democrats, "Moderate" Democrats, "Establishment" Democrats don't resent AOC because she is sponsoring Left wing bills that go nowhere.

We resent AOC mostly because she is organizing primary challenges to incumbent Democrats and forcing unnecessary divisions.
AOC's Twitter usage, going straight to the people to directly lambast her House Democratic colleagues, is profoundly unprofessional and downright Trumpian.

I thought this would maybe stop when AOC canned her Chief of Staff Saikat Chakrabarti but it's really her.
The only reason I mind AOC's sponsorship of #MedicareForAll #GreenNewDeal etc is because she uses her bills primarily to stoke as much controversy as possible, to force colleagues to vote against them - and use those votes as wedges against them in future Democratic primaries.
John Dingell and John Conyers introduced #MedicareForAll bills, year after year, for decades. They rounded up all of the House Progressive Caucus as cosponsors.

They never organized primary challenges to their Democratic colleagues who didn't sponsor their fantasyland bill.
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