So this whole Esther talk from yesterday definitely needs some clarification, because some people (whether knowingly or innocently), have taken it along a different direction.

Let’s keep the perspective biblical and God-centered.

#LetsOpenTheBible #Thread
Let me state first of all that the Bible does a lot of reportive journalism, and that doesn’t mean what is being reported is approved or endorsed by God.
It just is what happened, and it’s been recorded so that we can have the knowledge—and the knowledge is key.
It’s key for our total interpretation of the word of God and our understanding of His nature, and His will.
Also, a lot of what we grew up learning in Sunday school wasn’t really accurate.
Little details that either change the story entirely, or just have a little effect.
Example: ‘the Three Wise Men’
The Bible never said they were three. It just says ‘wise men from the east’.

Christmas don dey come. You’ll still see ‘the Three Wise Men’ everywhere.
So, there are things you probably don’t know, that you thought you did.

Now. Esther.
Let’s put this in proper context.
Vashti had just been deposed, and the search for a new Queen was publicly announced all over the Persian Empire.

“Vacancy dey for palace oo”
There were two eunuchs in charge of the King’s women: Hegai and Shaashgaaz.
Hegai prepared virgins before they went in to the King, Shaashgaaz took care of them afterwards.
Esther 2:9 suggests that of the many women who Hegai took into his custody (to prepare them for the King), Esther won his favor, probably due to her looks, and her good nature...or God’s hand upon her 😉

She was part of the number, but Hegai took special interest in her.
Note that these women are at this point all the King’s women. They’re his wives/concubines. So whatever he did with them was lawful according to the land (at the time).

Also, ALL OF THEM were trying to get that position of Queen. I mean, who no wan rule???
They spent 12 months in Hegai’s care, being oiled and spiced up with ‘ointments for women’.
When each woman’s turn came, she would take whatever she desired from the harem (jewelry, clothes, makeup glam, etc) with her, and she would spend the night with the King.
What would they do? I wonder.
In history, two of the most sexually depraved empires were the Roman and the Persian empires. So a Persian King who has virgins lawfully prepared for him with oils and spices, and receives them for a night, what do you think they do?
Esther went in, taking only what Hegai advised her to take, and had been under special care and prep from him since the start.
When the man who prepares women for the King takes special interest in you for 12 months—rest assured you’re gonna have an edge over everyone else.
She was specially taught, and she humbly did as she was told. She went in there armed with all the right knowledge, charisma, and probably confidence of being favored by Hegai.
She already knew how best to please the King, and she did.
This doesn’t mean Esther was promiscuous, or immoral, what she did was lawful according to the land. She and the other virgins were striving to please the King and get the crown.
The favor of God was upon her, but not really before the King, but before Hegai... that when she faced the King, she would be the best among the rest.
God is interested in your excellence, not for you to just show up and do a shabby work, and just ‘be preferred’ above all others because of favor.
Favor amplifies your labor, it doesn’t excuse it.
Also note that Esther was doing all of this, to be instrumental in the deliverance of her people, who she didn’t even mention her allegiance to at all during and after all this time, otherwise she could have been disqualified.
Just like David. The favor of God wasn’t that some random (albeit anointed) shepherd boy would just show up and slay a 9 foot 9 inch tall giant.
The Bible tells us how well prepared David was for this moment.
Do you know how skilled a warrior you have to be to kill a lion AND A BEAR?!

And the sling he had wasn’t the catapult we use in hunting bush meat. It was a military weapon which generated enough rpm to propel a stone with close to the force of a bullet.
David, just like Esther, was anointed, and had also spent time in the place of preparation for his big moment (where he killed someone for the sake of the deliverance of God’s people).

So child of God, whatever you find your hand in, do it well.
Yes, you walk in favor, but it doesn’t mean you should be lazy or negligent in your duty just because ‘God can open doors for you’.

Do your work, and do it VERY well.
Recognize your place of training, and be humble and focused.
When your big (or even small) opportunity comes, let it meet you prepared and ready to be the best in the room—all to the glory of God, and for the fame of His name.

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