Feeling a strong desire to be in an organising community w/ folks that are older than me. Need spaces with the right balance of wisdom n new energy n am finding the former a lot harder to find at the moment...
...For what it's worth, I had the opposite instinct about 5 or 6 years ago, when it felt like those at my age were getting bitter n jaded (early 30s) n wanted to be around younger activist energy. So I don't wanna give the sense either is more important than the other...
...I guess what has felt clearer to me recently, is that there are relatively fewer folks who get older, stay involved and avoid the bitterness trap that can come from decades of pain + loss. And I wonder what impact that has on next generations of folks finding their feet?
Like, a big part of the onus is on younger organising/activist spaces to keep accessible to those moving into different phases of life. But also what is the cost in those spaces of the lack of intergenerational wisdom? I've definitely felt it's absence a lot in recent years
There is so much I wish I had more folks to ask questions about - and I'm lucky to have a few - but the fact that this isn't the norm in most activist spaces I've spent time, highlights a massive gap that isn't always obvious when there is a lot of younger energy filling a group.
There's a difference in some very local community spaces I've been a part of - people seem to get older w/out the same level of burnout that hits folks in larger scale organising/activism. But it's often delicate work to enter those spots. And I haven't been in 1 for a minute now
Wondering what the main things we can do to make organising spaces more accessible to those who have been around for longer? Slower pace comes to mind... as does thinking about how families can be a part of them... what would you do to make our spaces more intergenerational?
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