Things that don't get mentioned for being supremely important in our Covid history.

Indigenous leadership in designing and implementing a profoundly successful health response to protect their communities, and the State health units that listened to them. 1/n
The community organisations, be they pre-existing organisations attacking the task, or specifically created orgs (like the Qld Care Army) that enabled people and sometimes whole communities to protect themselves in the way that they felt most comfortable doing.
The public service - especially the State public services - which not only did the contact tracing, health management etc, but reorganised the functioning of the economy in crisis, and worked and planned with mostly the SME sector to come out the other side with rockets on.
Then there's the community leaders with non-ESL communities particularly, that reinforced the public health messages in ways that were relevant to their community. Popular coverage has especially ignored the importance of this in a country like Australia
Basically, you'se all done good.

Except for you wankers like Tim Smith - you can fuck right off.
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