I want people to start thinking more realistically when it comes to COVID and consider the possibility that it’s not something that will ever go away (did the flu? No.).

A lockdown may significantly curve the spread and a vaccine will help inoculate, but total eradication? Mm.
Ppl keep clinging to this idea of eradication. Deadly viruses like this don’t magically dissapear. The expectation that society will return to as it was is incredibly naive.

The economy wants to pretend normalcy is achievable bc they want consumerism and capitalism to thrive
But even with significantly lower rates of COVID - to the point we can reach some level of “normalcy” - thousands of people’s lives have changed permanently. Covid onset disorders/disabilities, skyrocketing homelessness and unemployment, severe lack of resources...
...credit cards and loans are taken out or maxed out just to survive bc essentials and resources aren’t given. The class divide has been deepened ever the more. If a family hasn’t had inter generational poverty before, several more will experience it now and pass that on.
The majority of Americans refuse to acknowledge that they are closer to poverty than they are being rich.

And this illusion of COVID eradication and return to normalcy is just delaying the organizing we desperately need to know to help our communities survive.
Scientists repeatedly said that COVID is unpredictable and still somewhat a mystery aside from what they know now. It could take years to appropriately address.

Im not a scientist but I am a planner for the worst scenario and observant of how this pandemic has been leveraged
The American government - not just Trump - made the decision to allow the poor, disabled and marginalized communities to die and made no attempt to provide resources. Only the rich and privileged who already had resource advantage are fine.

This should have radicalized you.
It was purposeful and strategic. It was to make the poor poorer ans the rich richer as is the status quo of capitalism.
So I ask you to consider the possibility - based on what you’ve witnessed - that COVID will continue for many more years and continue to be leveraged by a capitalistic society to further the class and racial divide and further dispossess communities.
I truly hope we are able to get COVID under control - I hate this shit as much as the next person - but I am weary to accept the impending normalcy we used to have.
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