Starting in just a couple of minutes - very excited! #LoveVultures
Timetable below! It's welcome to all, and look at that vulture face!
Wow, 300+ vulture fans signed up for the webinar, I'm feeling the #VultureLove!
Do we have a hashtag for the conference? Should we have a hashtag? I'm going to go with #BeardedVultureWebinar for the moment.
I didn't think about how much COVID would affect breeding centres - sad to hear about how the reduction of monitoring led to more chicks being lost during rearing #BeardedVultureWebinar
New goal: to visit all of the zoos which are taking part in the Bearded vulture captive breeding programme #BeardedVultureWebinar
Plan to include the first 4 descendants of each founder bird in the EEP to both maintain genetic diversity in the programme, and make sure that there is a stable population of birds of different ages so that breeding can continue into the future. #BeardedVultureWebinar
I wish for many successful future floofs.
Can we just appreciate the graphic design of the IBM logo for a minute? #BeardedVultureWebinar
It is really wonderful to have such thorough monitoring after releases. It's amazing to have such good data, and that so many of the vultures who run into trouble in the wild can be saved. #BeardedVultureWebinar
Bearded vultures going on a jaunt to Capraia island from Corsica! Maybe in the future we might have some visiting Sardinia? I'd find that extra exciting! #BeardedVultureWebinar
After hearing so many horror stories with other rescued species being released in the wrong places under wrong conditions, it's incredible the lengths gone to, including genetic testing and tracing the parentage, to make sure that a rescued Bearded Vulture is released right ❤️
Heyyy Vigo, our celebrity UK-travelling Bearded Vulture! #BeardedVultureWebinar
"There is no point in reintroducing birds if they are going to get shot, poisoned, electrocuted" - SO IMPORTANT #BeardedVultureWebinar
The public can help record observations: as well as a special observation day every October, if you see a Bearded vulture you can enter the details here  #BeardedVultureWebinar
Zoom webinar demographics poll results!
Obviously some work to get some more Bearded Vulture fans in Antarctica at future webinars! 😁
That is an amazing picture!
Definitely a challenge in a captive breeding programme where there are no parent birds, and only one captive bearded vulture. The solution: taking second eggs from nests, puppetry, social rearing, and capping the number per year so that they can get access to the captive female.
It's sadly not possible to use captive birds from Europe as surrogates to help out the critically endangered South African sub-species, because the breeding seasons do not happen at the same time of year, so the parents wouldn't be interested in raising chicks. #BeardedVulture
Okay, maturing captive-bred Bearded vultures beginning to show breeding behaviour are ADORABLE. I wish them much successful romance, and many future floofs. #BeardedVultureWebinar
Things which I really didn't think needed saying: capturing Bearded Vultures for the pet trade is a bad idea. I mean, I love them, and they are adorable, but they are not suitable as pets!
Also, you should just never take healthy animals from the wild for pets.
Very excited for the prospect of more webinars! More vultures, all the time!
Would love to make it to the Annual meeting in person next year too....
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