Rachel has joined our call for #careworkers to be paid a real #LivingWage ✊

Do you agree #careworkers are #WorthTheMoney?

Write to your MP NOW 👉 http://bit.ly/worth-the-money  https://twitter.com/LeedsCitizens/status/1327231959270035457
Josie cares for people with epilepsy. She makes people comfortable in their final days. But Josie earns just £8.72 an hour. We think she is #WorthTheMoney and deserves a Living Wage pay rise ♥️

Write to your MP to ask where they stand - http://bit.ly/worth-the-money 
Edel, a Care Worker in Wales asks: "how can we take care of others, when we aren't paid enough to take care of ourselves?" #worththemoney
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