A unicorn.

Import data shows Sony has brought in 489 containers of video game consoles betw 8/1-11/11.

There are roughly 660 units/container.

That's ~322,740 units in the US as of 11/11.

Sony sold a million PS4's at launch in NOV13.

Port congestion is crushing Sony. https://twitter.com/ChroniclesNate/status/1327055118047514624

Oh man, it's way worse here.

144 containers @ 756 units/container = 108,864 units on American soil

By comparo, the Xbox One sold 2 million units in its first 18 days.

Santa may not be able to deliver that vidya console you prepaid for.

Logistics is a very useful filter to understand the world. Sometimes, you can even see months into the future. https://twitter.com/man_integrated/status/1235293136613715971?s=19
For a nuts and bolts overview of exactly *how* that PS5/Xbox gets from the factory in China to your anxious hands, and why it's delayed right now, see this thread and its follow-on. https://twitter.com/man_integrated/status/1241081868700745729
You can follow @man_integrated.
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