In the midst of the struggles in Rome; why stay Catholic?
Because it’s true.
I’ll be damned before I allow the wicked to dictate my allegiance to the truth.
The church is more than the hierarchy: It is the beautiful, broken & redeemed people who cling to Christ.
The Church is the poor and vulnerable who call out to us, knowing they will get our best, not our left overs.
The Church is the faithful old men & women who come to mass daily, volunteer for everything & sustain us with their prayers.
The Church is the addicted, fighting for
sobriety & freedom, never giving up the fight.
The Church is all of this & more.
She is not Her self appointed gate keepers, she isn’t the mighty, thundering righteous, she is the tiny, the vulnerable, the humble.
She is you, she is me & I love Her.
I will never, ever leave Her.
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