Lieutenants McVicar and Edwards of the 6th Seaforth successfully led parties to capture two underground complexes in Beaumont Hamel......cont
Lieutenant Edwards captured many (some reports say up to 400) prisoners. He was recommended for the VC but only awarded the DSO.
As the day went on all the battalions became badly mixed up in the wasteland of craters and mud, but they fought on and completed the capture of Beaumont Hamel.
As well as large quantities of the usual military items the Highlanders found in the dugouts a piano, dancing slippers, women's clothing and a cat o'nine tails!
Lieutenant Bain of the 8th Argylls reported his men finding a large supply of seltzer water which they fell upon to quench their thirst, only to discover it was a very good laxative!
Despite the success of the attack not all objectives were reached and the fighting to the east of Beaumont Hamel would continue in the following days.
The attack at Beaumont Hamel cost the Highland Division about 2,000 casualties, 500 of them killed or dying of their wounds.
The capture of Beaumont Hamel was later considered 'to be the foundation stone upon which the reputation of the Highland Division was built'.
Today we remember the men of the 51st (Highland) Division on the 104th anniversary of their capture of Beaumont Hamel. Là  a´ Bhlàir `s Math Na Càirdean (Friends are good on the day of battle).
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