THREAD: For the past few days, there's been a lot of talk (& reporting by me) about Republicans in Mississippi talking like the Dixiecrats who once ran MS (Rep. Price Wallace wanting to "succeed from the Union").

BUT: They aren't the only Republicans in the Legislature. 1/
There are Republicans in the Mississippi Legislature who aren't left wingers by any means, but if given the chance to lead, would point the party toward a more inclusive future focused on solving problems, not winning & maintaining power with divisiveness & demagoguery. 2/
That includes Republicans who have worked to champion pro-LGBT legislation, like a bill to add LGBT people to Mississippi's hate crime laws.

It includes Republicans with strong pro-public education stances.

These are not Republicans who try to imitate Trump or focus on him. 3/
I don't know if there are any Republicans left like them in the US Congress (which is far more partisan & rigid & now has Qanon folks), but they exist in the MS Legislature. And while they may not hold top leadership positions in the state, they will likely grow in number. 4/
There is a lot of talk about how the Democratic Party in Mississippi needs to figure out its identity, who it is & what it stands for. But the GOP in MS could also be ripe for those conversations. 5/
Like young Dems, young Republicans who embrace diversity (& aren't from the Trump/Q/alt-right molds) have ideas & perspectives that can help their party & all of us move into the future—if the good ole boys let them.

Look for the people proposing solutions & engage them. 6/
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