I have never heard of an electoral system where the register of eligible voters can be amended after the vote has taken place according to voters' behaviour during the contest.

Truly groundbreaking innovation from Keir Starmer's democratic and post-factional Labour Party.
It would be interesting to see how this stands up in court. If a member has paid their subs up to the qualifying date (as laid out by the party itself), then surely denying them a vote would constitute a breach of contract.
The Labour Right can dance around this all they like, but the fact remains: people who resigned before they voted but still received a ballot, i.e. who were on the register as eligible voters, are now being removed from the rolls *after* the vote has taken place.
One more time for the people in the back: a foundational principle of legitimate elections is that you fix the register of eligible voters on a given date and don't amend it later. Forget best practice – that's basic, 101, non-controversial.
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