A new @yougov poll of ethnic minorities in Times Red Box this morning

Aggregate party image and politician perceptions
Policy priorities
This could reflect Stephen Lawrence inquiry; a general perception of 1990s as a time of progress. Also weak general knowledge of policy/politics pre-1997 (partly an age demographic effect). Eg which PMs passed race relations acts is a question very few people could answer.
54% for Don't Know probably reflects mixture of
- scepticism of track record across recent governments
- low level of memory/knowledge pre-2010 & esp pre-2000
It is striking that Boris Johnson, Keir Starmer and Priti Patel each have approval/disapproval profiles which reflect the image of their party - while Rishi Sunak appears to have an approval profile which is much closer to the Labour Party par score than the Conservative one.
As the Sunak/Patel score suggests, this is based on perceptions of his skills or politics. (There isn't a generic pro-minority boost among ethnic minority voters here)
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