So this seems to have provoked quite a lot of, eh, debate.😂 900 mostly angry responses and still coming thick and fast. A reasonable proportion are just variations of "fuck off unionist", which as an argument against me pointing out unnecessary politicisation is somewhat ironic.
Lots of people denying that the GIF is inherently political, that it merely represents a celebration and was therefore perfectly suitable. I accept I see more politics than most so perhaps this is fair comment. Yet this was less than a year - barely half an SNP generation - ago:
I was struck by @GerryHassan's reply: "We are one Scotland. Not SNP, Tory, Labour, Lib Dem & Green. Not pro & anti-indy." I wish it were true. The SNP's core tactic for years has been to paint party as country and classify opponents of indy as not being on Scotland's side.
If the First Minister had wanted to embrace Gerry's admirable sentiment she surely would not have picked, as a GIF to celebrate our football team's success, an image of her celebrating a political win over a Scottish opponent for which at the time she expressed remorse?
On this note, a number of people took issue with my description of the footage as being of Sturgeon celebrating the defeat of Swinson, rather than her celebrating the victory of Amy Callaghan. This is a distinction without a difference; it's a celebration of political difference.
As for those who decided they could score a point against me by bringing up Amy's illness and implying that I was being heartless by not mentioning it, I genuinely can't emphasize enough quite how much this actually reflects badly on you, not me. Have a word with yourselves.
Probably the biggest chunk of replies are those saying "She was right to celebrate getting rid of another unionist, GIRFUY". And that's precisely my point. Subtly and unsubtly, Scotland's success, the SNP's success and support for indy are being equated. It's dangerous and wrong.
Most of all I guess I was struck by the sheer number of people who suggested that by tweeting my comment I was "ruining a good night". Pull the other one. You had an absolute ball joining in the argy bargy. Having someone to kick was just what you needed. You fucking loved it.😂
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