1. In the last 2years & 5months we have fought an unending battle against the state to expose the heartbreaking truth of what happened to our daughter and many others. We have done this whilst in the deepest and darkest stages of the grief that comes with losing a child.
2. Last week we submitted a strong and cohesive legal argument to the @COPFS outlining a case for corporate manslaughter against @scottishprisons We were able to do so because of the generosity of friends and strangers and because of the huge amount of work by our legal team.
3. A team that has worked so hard (pro bono) receiving nothing more than our heartfelt thanks. They too believe passionately in righting the injustices that led to Katie’s death.
4. We have little hope that our case will even be considered, we expect it to be rejected.The initial investigation into Katie’s death was an example of the culture of ‘inevitability’ that exists - she wasn’t a much loved daughter, sister; nor a student or employee to the @COPFS
5. She was a prisoner - so her life was meaningless. When rejected we will only have one option - that of judicial review. The cost of such a review is out of reach for us, for our legal team, for the majority. Our pursuit to achieve justice through criminal courts will end.
6. The @scottishprisons will once again, literally get away with murder, no one will particularly care. To our grief we will add our failure to achieve justice for Katie. We will, once again have to accept that our country accepts state sanctioned murder. End
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