County and city councillors getting to select nearly three quarters of the representation in the upper house of the national parliament
2. The Oireachtas being able to submit any proposal for constitutional amendment to the people regardless of what it contains
3. The Taoiseach being able to appoint as a minister, via the Senate, someone who has never been elected to anything and owes their senate seat to the gift of the Taoiseach himself.
5. Almost a fifth of the composition of the upper house being in the unfettered gift of a single person - the Taoiseach - to begin with
6. the transit, through the national territory, of masses of belligerent forces en route to a theatre of war that is illegal under international law.
7. (often - depending) violations by the state of international law.
8. the Government having clemency powers, including the power to commute and remit penalties and sentences issued by Courts.
9. The Oireachtas creating quasi-executive positions (ministers of State) that the Government can distribute to a considerable proportion of the membership of Dáil Éireann, sort of co-opting parliamentarians into the Executive branch.
10. The Taoiseach being able to have the Dáil dissolved at will while he still has the support of a majority. The timing of general elections being based essentially on the Taoiseach's personal political convenience
12. The banning of religious advertisements based solely on their ‘religious’ character and without reference to any other criteria
13. The Oireachtas empowering a minister to ban certain broadcasts when he forms the view that they undermine 'the authority of the State'
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