I am still deeply puzzled by the way Instagram has managed Reels. What is the product logic in fire-hosing garbage content at your users for months on end? 1/
Sure, it's an empty network and you need to jump start-it. But is the theory that over time, all the accounts you follow will start making Reels as well, and your IG feed and Reels feed will converge? Or are they truing to build a completely separate graph in the same app? 2/
Stories were a new primitive that fit IG use case, and shared the same social and interest graph. But is Reels (i.e. tiktok) a new primitive, or a different graph with different creators? Right now it's a toaster duct-taped to a fridge - is that the plan? 3/
What's the difference between Stories and Tiktok? Is Tiktok just a new primitive to create and share with your friends? if so, sure, add it to IG. Or, is it a different graph, with totally different creators and creative barriers?
All of this is a very polite, positive, SV way of saying that I love Instagram, and I love Tiktok, but right now the Reels experience makes absolutely no sense at all.
The strategy tax in one image: what is our product priority? What should we put at the top level of the interface? Posting a picture, or watching make-up tutorials from 13-year-olds?
Maybe the test here is - do you need to make a new tab for it? Does that tab displace absolutely CORE activity? What MUST be there? How many tabs should you have? If something core goes into the overflow hamburger/kebab menu, something might have gone wrong.
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