1/ Time to put the M.D. hat back on, with some COVID talk *ducks*

We've been at this a long time, with the response poisoned by political utter nonsense, so people are understandably burnt out.

Now is NOT the time to give up.

Cases are spiraling, but legit help is on the way!
2/ First the bad.

Confirmed cases and hospitalizations are at all-time highs (prob similar to the March/April peak, we just didn't have the tests then).
3/ Overwhelmed hospitals mean death rates increase substantially. Critically ill COVID patients require complex care. When you are taking care of dozens of them, there is just not enough time in the day to all that is necessary. But...
4/ Now the good news. Earlier this week, data from Pfizer's phase 3 vaccine trial showed it is 90% effective at preventing COVID infection. This is absolutely game-changing. BC covid spreads exponentially, 90% effective translates to ORDERS of MAGNITUDE fewer COVID cases
5/ Reg approval & distribution mean vaccine will creep out in December, through spring 2021. But, several other vax are in the pipeline, which should help with faster distribution. (FWIW, FDA has not cut regulatory reqts; >30k people have gotten these vaccines prior to approval)
6/ Besides the vaccine (another unnecessarily politically loaded topic), more and more therapeutics (like monoclonal antibodies) are proving valuable in preventing serious COVID disease.
7/ So, while social distancing and mask wearing and avoiding large gatherings all suck, we can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Wear a mask, minimize unnecessary trips into public, care for your fellow man/woman. We will get through this, soon.
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