We can still avoid a major catastrophe - but even if we do everything right starting today we can expect the situation to worsen for several weeks, with increasing hospitalizations and stress on the health care system. 2/n
For this reason, to protect our health care system, our personal health, the health of our loved ones and of our community, we need to do whatever we can starting now to stop the spread of COVID-19 in every aspect of our lives. We know what works! For the time being: 3/n
1) No more gatherings at home with people from outside the household: No parties or get-togethers with friends & relatives. Please: Thanksgiving with household members only. Just this year.

2) Mask use ALWAYS when around non-household members & if someone in the home is ill. 4/n
3) Limit non-essential activities for now. Especially avoid crowded indoor places & poorly ventilated spaces.

4) If there are activities you need to do, like shop for groceries or other truly important things, keep your distance from others & keep the contact brief. 5/n
5) Improve ventilation in workplaces & homes by opening windows and doors as much as possible or through fresh air intake in air handling systems (consult with an expert on this).

6) Remember to wash hands or sanitize often & after contact with frequently-touched surfaces. 6/n
7) Avoid unnecessary travel. Travelers should quarantine at home for 14 days after returning (including people returning who live here). Get tested if symptoms develop.

8) Get tested if you have COVID-19 symptoms or were around someone with COVID-19. https://www.kingcounty.gov/depts/health/covid-19/testing.aspx 7/n
10) HANG IN THERE! We will get through this! When we are healthy our economy is healthy. It's going to be a rough few months but our efforts will pay off with fewer serious illnesses, hospitalizations & deaths. And when case counts fall, we can do more if we do it smarter. 9/9
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