it is time for the LAPAN webinar, will live tweet if there's any info on the RPS Launch Vehicle or other related topics
will use RPS for defense
lmaoo Chris Ferguson got mentioned
Yea this is all outdated except for Rocket Lab
yeah. we're still in a long way for LEO launch from SEA
Suborbitals will come soon though
the 2 stage Suborbital Launch Vehicle
they're open for suborbital payload flights!
NET 2022 for first 200km flight for the 2 Stage Sonda Vehicle
there are plans to bought foreign flight stages while locally designed upper kickstage like S. Korea and Britain (Britain one is pretty outdated) and mainly prioritize their Spaceport Capabilities
man the 2 speakers are really different here
A: oh yeah we probably gonna use this for ASAT
B: we're using this for science and telecom dammit
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