To celebrate the fact that @TSMGOnlineLive finishes the first folio next Wednesday I’m posting some of my favorite TSMGO moments. (Woo hoo, I learned how to make low quality GIFs!) #ShowMustGoOnline #Shakespeare2020Project @RobbieCapaldi @Maryamsgrace
To equal him, I will make myself a knight presently. #SirJohnMortimer #ShowMustGoOnline #2HenryVI #downwithnounsandverbs @doireann_may
What news, what news, in this our tott’ring state? #RichardIII #ShowMustGoOnline @doireann_may @Luke_M_Barton
I would gladly follow @RobbieCapaldi around Ephesus but I definitely wouldn’t store his luggage. #ShowMustGoOnline #TheComedyOfErrors
Counsel me, Tranio, for I know thou canst. #TheTamingOfTheShrew #ShowMustGoOnline @AilisDuff
The fiend is at mine elbow and tempts me…My conscience says, “No; take heed…. #TheMerchantOfVenice #ShowMustGoOnline #HannahEllis
Suppose within the girdle of this pantry are now confined two mighty monarchies… #HenryV #ShowMustGoOnline #AMuseOfSriaracha @alicemerivale
I shall never move thee in French, unless it be to laugh at me. #ShowMustGoOnline #HenryV @ruthfpage @aliciaberard_s @MargaretKatch
Each opposite that blanks the face of joy. #Hamlet #ShowMustGoOnline @KristinAtherton
Now they are clapper-clawing one another; I’ll go look on. #TroilusandCressida #Thersites #ZoeLand
Iago, or the corruption of a protocol droid. These bloody accidents must excuse my manners… #Othello #ShowMustGoOnline @dombrewer
Whose nature is so far from doing harms That he suspects none. #DesdemonasRevenge #KingLear #Edmund @AlexAndlau
That the whole life of Athens were in This! Thus would I eat it. #TimonofAthens #ShowMustGoOnline @bencrystal @MPproActor
Here is more matter for a hot brain. #TheWintersTale #ShowMustGoOnline #Autolycus @leaskoflife
You can follow @Jazzalotte.
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