This is story needs to be shared.

As I've said countless times, Albertans elected a Premier who lacks basic empathy. And he associates with a crew of similar people.

Alberta's moderates and progressives need to get really political. Donate. Volunteer. Run.
My choice, without a hint of hesitation, is Rachel Notley. She is Premier that Alberta needs now, more than ever.

I hope you will join me.
Some folks see "partisans" as the worst thing for our society. The problem is... Partisans do the work to get people elected who then make big changes in our society.

If you're afraid to be partisan, you may as well not bother commenting on the politics. It's pointless.
One only has to look to the US to see the damage that can be done when people choose not to participate in party politics.

When we sit on the sidelines, we're actually endorsing whatever happens as what we want to happen.

Now is the time to jump in!
The NDP is raising very close to the same amount of money as UCP. The NDP's levels of support are in line with UCP in Calgary and way ahead of UCP in Edmonton.

It's remarkable, when you think about it.
Will it be easy for NDP to defeat UCP? No.

Alberta's electoral system heavily favours rural areas - giving the party favoured by rural voters a large advantage.

But it's our best shot, by far. And Ms. Notley is a great leader.
Kenney is a two trick pony when it comes to policy. He thinks that cutting government services and lowering corporate taxes will solve (almost literally) all problems.

Now, that Kenney is making decisions about whether we enact measures to save lives during a pandemic.
Premier Notley was a whole lot different. No one is perfect, but she did what was right, regardless of ideology. She faced a lot criticism from her party's base as a result.

Imagine if she was leading us through this pandemic? I'll bet her approval rate would be much higher.
If you're waiting for the perfect party, or the perfect leader... Well, you will have yourself to thank when Kenney is re-elected.

I hope you'll decide to "get political" instead!
You can follow @richardeinarson.
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