. @Dhume should know that *only* person who was ever denied a visa to the USA under International Religious Freedom Act 1998 was Mr Modi, the man who then received the most votes in any election in human history.

Democracy promotion or anti Hindu bigotry? https://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702303380004579520041301275638.html
‘..critics said that the act reflected a Christian or Judeo-Christian bias. The National Council of Churches even warned that the new law might "promote the cause of Christians to the exclusion of persecuted believers of other religions."

That's where Mr. Modi enters the story.’
So when Obama wrote a glowing short piece for Modi in 2015 in Time, the POTUS was trying to make up to the Indian PM for this gratuitous insult @dhume

Let us hope for Indo-American relations sake Biden will remember what his boss did. At least Modi is putting nation before ego.
I do not appreciate slurs against @dhume because he is of Indian origin though some Indian Americans are more loyal than the king. But how is CAA different from Lautenberg Amendment +crackdown on illegals? How is holding NGOs accountable different from Russian interference fears?
Are we now going to go by some Scandinavian think tank in its assessment of a mature billion plus democracy? That would be ridiculous. People like @dhume must confront their (subconscious) antiHindu bigotry when they give a free pass to the US govt history wrt India human rights.
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