The Biden-Harris Nationwide Election F_r_*_u_d Scheme to Steal the Ballot State by State
Prohibits Them from Winning the Race. 
The U.S. Constitution and federal law are clear and unambiguous about election f_r_*_u_d as are those precedents set by the United States Supreme Court.
When wholesale f_r_*_u_d and corruption and criminality are employed to steal the quadrennial Presidential election by one of the two major party candidates, the victor automatically becomes the other presidential nominee with the greatest number of electoral votes.
In the 2020 POTUS election, the DemocRAT ticket of Joe Biden-Kamala Harris has been cited for carrying out the greatest election cycle crime wave via fraud & theft in U.S. history. 
The prematurely and illegitimately declared Biden victory is null and void under the law.
Neither Joe Biden nor Kamala Harris have yet to even respond to the countless cases of election fraud currently under investigation, which have been reported to the authorities quite suspiciously in primarily the crucial battleground states.
As soon as the first court decisions are handed down against the Democrats regarding the extraordinary amount of voter f_r_*_u_d and election theft, the preliminary electoral result will be vacated immediately.
270 electoral votes are required to win, but if a candidate’s campaign engages in a massive voting fraud and/or election theft operation, they have automatically disqualified themselves from the race.
Joe Biden has already proven himself permanently ineligible to hold any office in the U.S. Federal Government by virtue of his admitted crimes and corruption.
In point of fact, the Biden-Harris campaign has, with absolute certainty, committed fraud on a truly epic scale in order to decisively steal this election.
There is now an overwhelming volume of hard evidence that proves beyond any doubt that this election was outright stolen from President Trump by the DemocRAT Party.
Much of that rapidly growing body of evidence is scientifically based and data-driven; some of it is anecdotal and circumstantial, still other conclusive proofs are being submitted in the form of videos, photos and audios.
Then there are the missing or destroyed or altered ballots themselves which are showing up near or at the numerous crime scenes across the country.  The Democrat’s mail-in ballot fraud is perhaps the greatest systematic crime spree ever implemented.
It’s now apparent that the DemocRAT Party was so desperate and reckless and brazen in the execution of their fraudulent schemes and multifarious plots that they now must prove they did not steal this election.
Team Biden (which includes the DemocRAT Party) carried out intentional fraud to steal the election, which they did to a tremendous degree and IN BROAD DAYLIGHT.  All President Trump has to do is prove it.
The DemocRAT perpetrators barely tried to cover up their criminal activity leaving their fingerprints all over the myriad crime scenes.
Consequently, the Biden-Harris ticket has irreversibly relinquished their DemocRAT nomination to stand for the POTUS/VPOTUS election.
The key legal axiom and constitutional requirement which applies in this particular regard is:
In other words, once the intentional fraud was committed, Joe Biden and Kamal Harris effectively lost their right to further stand for the election.
Really, did Team Biden and the myriad DemocRAT fraudsters expect the American people to permit them to take the White House via so much naked fraud?
Did they expect Trump to roll over if he could only prove fraud in, say, 20 states not all 50?
As if it’s somehow okay for a fundamentally unfit candidate to be installed in the Oval Office who just perpetrated the most complex, convoluted and criminal election fraud of the millennium!
The perps at the top of this criminal DemocRAT conspiracy have conned the American body politic into believing that Team Trump must peel away each and every electoral vote that was explicitly won through fraud and/or theft… … …until Biden’s total drops below 270.
This is not the case and the U.S. Supreme Court has set a loud and clear precedent indicating so.
The SCOTUS ruled in a landmark case UNITED STATES v. THROCKMORTON (98 US 61 – Supreme Court 1878) that “fraud vitiates everything”.
By categorically asserting that “fraud vitiates everything”, the SCOTUS affirms that perpetrating fraud undermines the entire endeavor, the whole contract, the complete judgment, the final result … or the election outcome, etc.
Once the fraud is proven, the enterprise in its entirety, such as a POTUS candidacy/campaign, has been irreparably tainted & any result is invalidated. In other words, if it was only the Michigan vote was stolen by Team Biden, their victory would still have been nullified since
The same U.S. Supreme Court ruling also determined fraud vitiates contracts. An election is essentially a binding contract between the electorate & the elected. This indispensable social contract is irreversibly broken through voter fraud as public trust is profoundly violated.
The transparent Democrat-directed election theft of 2020 has rent asunder the sacred covenant between the elected and the electors.  Hence, Joe Biden’s illicitly declared victory is illegitimate and therefore annulled forthwith.
The Trump-Pence ticket won this election because the Biden-Harris team forfeited their candidacy to stand as a result of committing a staggering amount of voter fraud and election theft.
That this immense fraud was purposefully carried out with an extraordinarily high degree of mens rea (intention and/or knowledge of to commit wrongdoing) guarantees that “fraud vitiates everything” where it concerns the election outcome, and specifically the bogus Biden win.
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