1) I'm getting so sick of responding to all these "no evidence" Tweets with all the statistical & other evidence I've collected up from so many of you, I'm making one big thread that U and anybody else can use as their response.
2) Massive undervoting. Completely abnormal proportion of "Biden-only" ballots. Yes, it's theoretically possible people hate Trump enough to only cast that single vote, but it only happened in great numbers in a handful of Democrat-controlled cities.
3) Voter turnout. Several of these same cities/states had outrageous levels of voter turnout. You can argue that they were super driven to defeat Trump or something, but the levels in most cases exceed what Hillary or Obama got, so it's a thin argument.
4) Dead or imaginary people voting. I think this one graph kind of says it all. It no doubt happens every time, but the rate of people >90 yo or with 1/1/1900 birthdates (ie no known DOB) quadrupled in PA this time.
5) Fraudulently voting for other known, living people and/or illegal ballot harvesting.
6) Denying proper oversight. Numerous affadavits to this effect, but here again, a picture is worth a thousand words.
7) Straight-up fake ballots filled out by fake people en masse by organized process (yes, enought to make a difference), and all leaning one way.
8) Alleged computer manipulation of votes. I'm more of a stats person than a compsci person, but I have written code, and I do know that software doesn't "glitch"--it only obeys orders. And this particular software (Dominion) had known security issues.
9) Mail-in rejection rate. I'll just let you read it, but clearly elections officials were letting mail-in ballots slide without any significant verification in all these swing states. Gee, I wonder why...
10) Back to computer fraud.

The graph shows Trump did far worse in "Solid GOP" precincts than in "Solid Dem", "Lean Dem", & "Toss-up" precincts. How likely is that?

Not at all. The computer "glitch" stole votes from the strongest Trump areas, where they'd be missed least.
11) And another on elections computer-based fraud.
12) Overall vote counts.

Trump's popularity increased wildly--17% more votes in 2020 than 2016, yet somehow, Biden, the guy who got 4th in Iowa caucus & had 15 people at his "rallies", got 15% more votes than Obama's record 2008, and 25% more than Hillary in 2016.

Yeah, sure.
13) More general ballot fraud. Using other people's ballots and just not counting a person's ballot if they're a registered Republican. These data were gathered from phone calls after the election.
14) General ballot fraud. Multiple GA poll workers/observers describe in affadavits, that mail-in ballots looked "pristine", no folds from mailing, no stray marks, no "voter wear", 98% for Biden.
15) Primaries vs. General. Laughable claim by GA SoS that Trump supporters who voted for Trump in primary did NOT vote for him in general. NOBODY does that! This clearly points to vote destruction--these should be investigated ASAP.
16) And here's a new kind of fraud. Gee, I'll give 'em one thing--very creative! Check @MattBraynard's page for more details (and more types of fraud!).
17) Bellwether County Analysis.
18) For the nerdliest among you, new paper on the now-famous "F-shaped" ballot dumps, explaining just how extreme those anomalies were. The paper itself (URL in the image) is not for the faint of heart, but here's the upshot.
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