Yeaaahhhh... Alito is a monster.
He gave a speech at @FedSoc and, while I’m still waiting on the full translation from the original German, it seems pretty bad.
He doesn’t like gay people a lot. Or science. Or the First Amendment unless you’re using it to bash gay people.
It’s bad. He’s very bad.
Alito is why some people call the Iraq War Bush’s *second* biggest mistake.
I’ll just say again, in a world where Congress passed ethics rules that applied to Supreme Court justices, we wouldn’t see sitting Justices give keynote addresses to political organizations to excite the troops about cases he may soon rule on.

But, nobody listens to me :(.
Have a good night everybody except people like me who took a dump on Harriet Miers. She was an unqualified Bush crony but I have trouble believing she’s be as bad as Alito. Because weapons grade plutonium isn’t as bad or as destructive as Alito.
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