Hi, everyone! I had the call with Jen this Tuesday and she shared some awesome insights/advice with me that I'm happy to share with you all! I tried to find a better way to let everyone in this thread know, so please bear with me!
Before we begin, a HUGE thank you to @IAmJenMcG ! https://twitter.com/IAmJenMcG/status/1324102392888000512
Okay, so we talked about the career path I wanted to have. right now i'm a TV/feature writer and have just finished directing my first short film. What I want is to be a writer director, but more for feature films. So, it helps to know where you want to go/be for your career. 4/
But, my work doesn't currently align with my goal to be a writer/director for feature films, since I have more tv pilot scripts than anything, which leads to the first point we talked about: BE SPECIFIC ! 5/
Be specific means:
1) have your goal in mind
2) break that goal down into smaller achievable steps
3)#2 is important so that when your network with people, you can tell them one of the smaller steps towards your bigger goal that is achievable for THEM->so they can better help YOU
Next we talked about constantly making things, even just small 30 sec clips. This is important for filmmakers because it allows us to understand what it is we like about the entire filmmaking process, or what we don't like or what we need help in. 7/
Make a website to put your work up, so people can get to know about you more and get a sense of what your "brand" may be. You can totally use this while networking. 8/
Speaking of constantly making things and networking, here is something to keep in mind:
For example, if you constantly make 30 sec clips or short films, it may lead you to get to know editors, or even producers. 9/
Producers are particular helpful for writers or writer/directors. see if you can write a short film that you can get to a producer, doesn't have to be one you're super attached to and want to produce yourself, but something to help you get out there and network. 10/
Now onto networking. Think this: what can I offer and what do I need?

I'd imagine that would vary between all of depending our goals, but in this industry, everyone is busy. 11/
So think about those small baby goals towards your bigger goal, and how you can also contribute to the success of the person you're seeking help from. The more smaller and manageable/goal you ask from someone, the more likely they can do it...which means success for YOU 12/
Also ask yourselves these questions when networking:
What do you need? What do you and they want? What is the fear? How can you offer a solution?

But what do the last two questions mean? 13/
It means that producers want to have something made that will grant them success and money so they can continue to feed their families, pay bills, etc. That's usually their fear, your solution could be your script that could be a success, for example.
But above is just an example, be sure to know who you're talking to. You don't want to pitch a script to an indie producer when your script is better suited for studio mega-action films (another example). 15/
Now onto managers/agents.
my focus is getting a lit manager first, so I'm not concerned with an agent atm, but this advice applies to both:
Do they(manager/agent) see what you see in your work and do they see the ability to take you where you want to go? 16/
Not sure where everyone is in their career path, but for me, I want to break in, and I feel a manager will help. But, that could put us in a position where we get a manager who isn't actually helpful towards our career just to say "I have a manager." 17/
You want a manager/agent who'll give your critical feedback on your work, help you get you into rooms, guide you on your career path, etc. So, it's okay to take your time to find one that really fits YOU and what YOU want. 18/
If you're screenwriter like me, it does't hurt to submit your scripts to festivals/competitions. The well-known are just fine, bc there's way too many competitions out there it can get expensive. Find the ones that have past winners signing to a agent/manager . 19/
Also because I touched on "branding" before, here is something you may want to ask yourself: branding: What are you doing right now? What do you want to be?

The answers should match each question in some way. 20/
What I mean, for example:
What am I doing right now? I am writing and directing short films, while writing feature films.
What do I want to be: A writer/director for feature films.
To end, here is some resources to check out:
Academy library (in LA), film independent, glass elevator, women of color the jpc list

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