Ever wondered why so few kids ride to school in Vancouver? Here are a few lowlights from my ride to my kids’ school this afternoon. Part 1: driver has pulled over “just for a minute”, obstructing the gap for bikes in the traffic calming infra & part of the pedestrian crossing +
Part 2: drivers are parked in no standing zone outside school, including one driver who has pulled over from the wrong side of the road, and bonus, person doing surprise three-point u-turn without signalling +
Part 3: drivers are pulled over in no-standing zone “just for a minute” reducing two-way street to one lane. Driver prepares to REVERSE THROUGH A PEDESTRIAN CROSSING AT AN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL AT PICKUP TIME to let driver coming the other way pass.
Part 4: other driver has stopped in the middle of the road to collect children. Fun fact: this street is Comox St, marked AAA on @CityofVancouver’s Cycling Map. A petition signed by 285 parents was sent to the CoV in Feb asking for a separated bike lane here to fix this mess.
It’s not the RAIN that’s the problem, it’s the people driving the cars in the rain that are the problem. The problem is easily fixed by separated cycling infrastructure.
It’s pretty hopeless that BY FAR the most dangerous part of our ride to and from school is the streets directly around the school.
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