When the COVID Supplement is reduced by a further $100 a fortnight on January 1, jobseekers, single parents, and students will be forced to live off payments of only $50 a day.

50 reasons why $50 a day is not enough to live on

👇👇👇 #Jobseeker
1. It makes it difficult to find and maintain work
2. It makes it near impossible to afford necessary medication
3. It makes it difficult to afford to visit the GP when you’re unwell
4. It makes it near impossible to afford specialist medical appointments
5. It makes it near impossible to access mental health services and supports
6. It makes it near impossible to afford mobility aids
7. It makes it near impossible to afford rent payments
8. It makes it near impossible to afford mortgage repayments
9. It makes it near impossible to afford to go to the dentist
10. It makes it near impossible to afford private health insurance
11. It makes it near impossible to pay internet bills
12. It makes it near impossible to pay phone bills
13. It makes it near impossible to pay water bills
14. It makes it near impossible to pay electricity bills
15. It makes it near impossible to pay gas bills
16. It makes it near impossible to afford car insurance
17. It makes it near impossible to afford mechanic visits
18. It makes it near impossible to afford new tyres
19. It makes it near impossible to afford petrol
20. It makes it difficult to afford to pay for public transport
21. It makes if difficult to afford to pay for parking
22. It makes it difficult to afford school books
23. It makes it difficult to afford school uniforms
24. It makes it difficult to afford school fees
25. It makes it difficult to afford school excursions
26. It makes it difficult to afford fresh vegetables
27. It makes it difficult to afford fresh fruit
28. It makes it difficult to afford a healthy meal each day
29. It makes it difficult to afford personal hygiene products
30. It makes it difficult to afford to fill birth control prescriptions
31. It makes it difficult to afford a haircut
32. It makes it difficult to afford new clothes for a job interview
33. It makes it difficult to afford new shoes
34. It makes it difficult to socialise
35. It makes it difficult to invite friends over for a meal
36. It makes it difficult to invite friends over for morning or afternoon tea
37. It makes it difficult to afford a meal at a restaurant or cafe with friends
38. It makes it hard to afford to a see a movie
39. It makes it difficult to travel to see family
40. It makes it near impossible to buy Christmas presents for loved ones
41. It makes it near impossible to afford gym fees to maintain health and wellbeing
42. It makes it near impossible to afford a vet when a pet is unwell
43. It makes it difficult to afford pet food
44. It makes it near impossible to afford to maintain or make home repairs
45. It makes it near impossible to afford a plumber
46. It makes it near impossible to afford an electrician
47. It makes it difficult to afford a new phone when one breaks
48. It makes it near impossible to afford a computer to look for jobs
49. It makes it impossible to plan ahead and save money
50. It makes it near impossible to live with dignity.
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