I am at the Virginia State Capitol building in Richmond, Virginia to observe this Infowars Stop the Steal Caravan stop.
Not a big crowd here at 10th and Bank but I know I am in the right place.
The cameras here are focused on this guy who is talking about how Trump will still be our president.
I can tell where people stand ideologically based on if they were a mask, except for that guy in the Amanda Chase shirt.
I am just bored with these types of conspiracy theories at this point
I expect that this Parler account is following
open carry crowd arrived
The Infowars supporters moved a block down the road to 10th and Main. Chants of "1776"
There's a person in a parked car across the street yelling "Trump lost"
Owen Scroyer has arrived in the armored truck
just at the infowars rally at the 7-11
The crowd is singing the national anthem but the person next to me is singing Oh Canada
chants of "Fox News sucks" while I look down the street
The amount of untrue things is too much to even try and point out the inaccurate
There is a armed man guarding the back of the Infowars truck
Someone just brought out a Gamecube and is playing Pikmin
This is a sweet setup
A bunch of Richmond Police officers are on the scene
This mam with the megaphone shows with tell peope about the ANTIFA threat which I think are playing Pikmin
and the Infowars Roadshow is moving out
RPD brought out the big guns tonight
I am leaving now because there are more police than anyone else. A few Black Lives Matter folks showed up but I don't think this is going be productive.
Jimmie also had a nice thread about the interactions that I didn't get to see https://twitter.com/JLJLovesRVA/status/1327070772414832641?s=19
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