Looking forward to @karlgroves ( @TenonAPI), @LFLegal and @accessaces warning us about the false promises of accessibility overlays. 👏🏻 #A11yCamp
There they are! #A11yCamp
Some fabulous claims of instant accessibility that would put me out of a job. Can it be true? #A11yCamp
Heck no, says @accessaces @LFLegal @karlgroves .
. @accessaces is sharing her experiences with accessibility overlays and toolbars. Very attention seeking! "Would you like to turn on accessibility features?" "Would you like me to read the screen?" "You're using a keyboard, do you want to use my special feature?"
. @karlgroves is listing some of the automated fixes that these accessibility overlays attempt to apply. Wonky heading structures, poor understanding of table layouts, poor identification of SVGs as images, "AI" recognition and labelling of images.
Positive shoutout by @karlgroves to the image recognition and automatic labelling within the @Office suite. "They do a reasonable job, but these accessibility overlays are nowhere near." @MSFTEnable #A11yCamp
. @LFLegal is pointing out that one of the accessibility overlays' central advertising points is absolutely wrong.
"Overlays won't protect [your business / website] from lawsuits."
@accessaces : "This is a protection racket"
Overlays deprive disabled people of privacy and autonomy
Use our screen reader, not yours.
We know you're a keyboard user.
"As a website you have no right to know about me or how I operate. It's not your business. It should be my choice to disclose." @accessaces #A11yCamp
These accessibility overlays don't extend to kiosks or apps. It shouldn't just be about websites - everything should be accessible. What about these other formats? #A11yCamp
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