So,I decided to spend some time doing some research into the possible paths Trump has to win.

And I came up with something interesting.

In case you missed it,a PA court ruled that the PA SecState had no authority to issue 'rules' allowing for temporary changes to PA ballot laws
This is important, as it establishes a precedent in regards to earlier changes that have been upheld in earlier court rulings.

If the PA SecState had no authority for these changes, they had no authority for other changes - such as accepting ballots where they arrived late
This creates a problem for the Dems, as it opens up a pathway for the PA legislature to deem the results of the election uncertifiable, and therefore send their own slate of electors.

This is important.
Another issue in PA is that state law REQUIRES that all mail in ballots be saved for a minimum of 2 years. But it ALSO requires that the envelopes they came in to be saved with them (it's how you verify the ballots).

Without those envelopes, the ballots are invalid.
Why does that matter?

because it's estimated that there are about 100k ballots where the envelopes have been discarded/destroyed.

And if (when) PA conducts an audit, those ballots would be required by law to be tossed.

All of this creates a problem for the Dems.
Since mail in ballots have overwhelmingly gone to Biden,it's safe to assume that a majority of any ballots tossed would ALSO be for Biden.

If the split is 80/20 (as it has been in PA),then Trump would gain roughly 60K+ in the margin.

Why is this important?
Well, Biden's lead is under 60K.

However, that's not where it ends.

Let's say that the PA legislature does decide that there is no way they can certify any count, due to the unconstitutional changes made for this election.

They can simply appoint a slate of electors.
Now, here's the question - do they have the Constitutional authority to do this?

In a word.....

Yep. They can do this, and the governor cannot stop them, or veto it.

The US Constitution gives the LEGISLATURE the power.

But it gets better.
Let's say that the Governor/AG/SecState send their own slate.

That creates a problem, right?

But guess who gets to decide which slate is the valid slate?

The President of the Senate.

Can anyone tell me who the President of the Senate will be on 1/6/21?
Why, it's Vice Presidet Mike Pence.

Read the 12th Amendment.

Now, I know what you are thinking - PA is not enough without Trump flipping at least one, and perhaps 2 more states.

Well, there's an answer for that.
The process I just laid out in regards to audits, etc?

It would apply in other states, too.

Each state has a similar law in regards to maintaining the envelopes for mail in ballots, when those ballots must be received, etc.

e the same
And the challenge that the GOP just won in PA would be the same in, say, AZ, GA and WI.

The GOP can - and should - argue that the law should be applied as written to ALL ballots.
The left will argue that this was an 'emergency', and changes had to be made on the fly.

First, that's not how the law works.

Second, the argument saying this is an 'emergency' can easily be beaten with one simple fact - states STILL allowed in person voting.
Now, I can hear people saying 'states can't send 2 slates of electors'.

But it's essentially happened already.


There were 4 states that were undecided/disputed - FL, LA, SC, OR.
And while they resolved this without going to the House (the parties literally cut a deal - the 'Southern Compromise'), it's still the closest that what we are seeing now that we have ever had).

So, what happens if this was to fall into place?

Well, then it gets really fun.
The Dems would certainly appeal to the SCOTUS.

And here's where the SCOTUS has a problem.

If they grant cert, there will be an expectation that they will rule according to a strict reading and application of the Constitution, and all applicable laws.
If that happens, their ruling will essentially be a trump win.

And if they DON'T grant cert, that means that whatever the President of the Senate decides is what goes.

And that would essentially be a Trump win.
Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying this is what is going to happen.

If you asked me to say what the chances are that it falls this way, I'd say 25%.

Several dominoes need to fall the right way.

The first was the PA case.

The GA recount is the next.
But both the Constitutional , legislative, and historical precedents exist.

This is why you play the game to the final buzzer.

And while it's late in the 4th, Trump is only down 6.

And he's got the ball.
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