(1/6) on the precipice of releasing my 1st album on all streaming services, my 1st album “edelweiss” was only released on soundcloud. i’ve cared more about quality/integrity than clout. i’ve always been my own promoter. most of all i’ve always kept it real https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/FT6MyRL9Z1BGFcQ1A
it’s surreal2think how much my life has changed since then. STDWNS! is an extension of the ripple effects of the traumas & insecurities stemmed from edelweiss. i have continued 2 grow even after i jotted down the final lyric way back in 2019. my music after this is WAY different.
as a result, I dont have much of anything particularly poignant2say about the sociopolitical-cultural climate outside of a few moments (see 1 below) on the tracklist. i’m not entirely ignoring them. i have 1 feat. w/ @graficny & many songs in 2021 addressing these topics in depth
recognizing my privilege, i understand that there’s an aspect of me being white that allowed me 2 focus more on my personal struggles than more macro level issues affecting marginalized communities. i was going through a lot, but it’s incomparable in the grander scheme of things.
i just wanted2give this additional context b4 1 listens 2 this album released in 2020 thinking that i have nothing2say about the burning world at large. b/t 2018-2019, I had demons i needed2drown along w/ myself. i also wanted2have fun & try something different. you’ll hear both.
this album, as all my music tends 2, traces my growing process & experience. i could have never gotten over myself had it not been released. i really hope u enjoy & mad love to @surfskrt for his musical genius + @lottothekid_ & @poIearm 4 their vocal contributions! :) [endthread]
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