Quite a lot. From there only being 1 school in America, to them demonizing people who value ambition saying they are all evil, to them not really explaining what those kids do for the first several years of school (how do they learn to read, do basic math, write, etc), 1/? https://twitter.com/quinncurio/status/1326545141939630083
The way Dumbledore just allowed Harry to be raised in an abusive household cause it “protected” him, the way 1 of the absolute best teachers got fired but an abusive one only lost her job cause she was dragged off, and the other one was a bully to students, the way they never 2/
Taught the students about what Voldy did and why following him was bad cause oh we can’t say his name. MAYBE they wouldn’t’ve had as big of a problem with students following him if they had told them what he did and why that was problematic, the way Dumbledore used and played 3/
People like a chess game to get the outcome he wanted. The way Harry was forced to sacrifice himself yr after yr for the wizard world who never did anything (like education) to help stop it. And he was praised as the best headmaster ever, when McGonagall would’ve been better 4/
The way that every single last good “hero” character who you actually got to know from when they were 11 was from Gryffindor and exactly zero of the good hero students were from Slytherin, cause they all ran away as if none of them had the ambition to defeat Voldy 5/
The sheer amount of stuff that Harry got away with cause he was the “boy that lived” and then would whine when he didn’t get away with that stuff from one like Snape, or would whine when other students like Draco got away with a few things. Oh and the whole money thing? 7/
Makes zero sense. The scoring of Quidditch? Yeah doesn’t make sense either. Also you’re telling me that the ONLY sport in the ENTIRE Wizard World is JUST quidditch? What about like actor wizards? Can you imagine a wizard play? Where exactly do house elves come from? 8/
Cause I seem to remember Ron just kinda being like yeah old houses have them but we just have a ghoul. Like do they just appear? I don’t understand. Why didn’t Draco just knock Harry’s glasses off during a quidditch game? Was didn’t the magically fix Harry’s sight? 9/
The more this thread goes one the more it is just me coming up with more and more questions that don’t make sense and needed to know why. So I’ll stop now 10/10
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