1/11 Journalists are neither equipped nor incentivized to report on the motives and actions of the US intelligence agencies, who work on behalf of the US economic elite. In this moment, the objective of the elite is to fracture the public and weaponize their most radical elements
2/11 From the POV of the actual elite, or the 1%, there are no political parties. There is no 'left' or 'right'. Those are false binaries projected onto the public, or the 99%, and effectively agitated and edified by the manipulation of the public dialogue around 'wedge' issues
3/11 This strategy is easily maintained by the politicians and corporate media who are conditioned to broadcast to the lowest common triggers in their audiences. This ensures the optimal state of agitation and ego-identification. It is how products are sold, including 'democracy'
4/11 At a more nuanced and hi-tech level, there is the manipulation of public anxieties through platform algorithms. Formulae which deliver populations into predetermined cohorts that are defined and energized by their fear of ideological and social opponents
5/11 Finally, there is the clandestine manipulation of actual events - like elections - which, when executed on highly targeted societies, guarantees the optimal level of public disintegration. You are currently experiencing this in the United States...
6/11 ...where the operation was conducted by neither party, but to ensure that the parties instructed their followers to pursue behaviors (early voting, in-person voting) that would ensure the plausibility of the outcome: two sides who believe their election is being 'stolen'
7/11 This is called political stalking. It is being conducted at its most pernicious level. You are being enveloped in a narrative which has only one outcome, the destruction of the American republic. To the benefit of the elite, who are done with that game ...
8/11 ...because it is a historical and statistical certainty that the 99% will eventually wake up, sense their manipulation, and the incremental assault on their freedoms and social/economic agency, and revolt. You have an opportunity, at this moment...
9/11 ...to observe and extract yourselves from your tribal instincts and triggers, and to stop listening to a corporate media who are programmed, and in some cases instructed, to facilitate social disharmony, and to realize there is path to a new and better and more fair society:
10/11 One in which our common interests are surfaced and edified, where there is not the integration of false competition into your economic systems, and where our tribalism is transformed into a global identification of family and kinship. This is what the 1% fear most.
11/11 Do not let the 1% manipulate your fears into social/political/military outcomes that protect them from theirs. The most revolutionary act any one of us can do NOW is to reach out to one ideological opponent, and have this conversation. Anyone who discourages this is suspect
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