Here are my observations of Indian Americans (Especially Gen Z)

1) Self hating - being India/Hindu is an aesthetic to look cute on IG pics and getting likes

2) Average Desi SJW will stand up for ANYONE except Hindus - upon being questioned, they will "use their privilege" ??
3) Very conscious about where they go to university - to an extent where friends don't even tell each other bc they don't want to be in "competition" to a level where it's toxic.

What they don't realize is... look at Biden & Harris... neither went to top schools. University
is really about what you make of it. But most Indian Americans spend time competing with each other which helps no one.

4) They aren't proud of being American, which is weird considering they self hate on India so much that you would think they would at least be proud of the US
But they aren't. They stand with SJW who aren't seeking "social justice" and want to destroy the core foundation of America. Again, difference of opinion is fine, but standing with people who want to destroy the U.S isn't.

5) Don't expand outside their circle. If you are in a
circle with Desis whom you've known growing up, your families know each other etc, you just stick to them. No care about branching out to others unless they are equally self hating. Lack of substance in their characters.

6) Look down on anyone who is a proud Hindu/Indian
Of course, not everyone fits into this but so many Indian Americans are this way, it's actually really sad.

Parents don't allow their kids to grow intellectually and form solid characters that most Indians just end up pursuing engineering or medicine and hating themselves.
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