Watching @fcpsnews board meeting tonight. It's a return to school meeting. I am very nervous about this. I don't understand or see ANY VALID evidence that is driving any of @FCPSSupt 's plans. He is going to discuss health metrics that will drive these decisions.
What is freaking me out is the different information I am getting from the scientists, the teachers, the support staff, and the most economically disadvantaged communities, where the health realities are very different. So let's see these health metrics.
New Student Services head Dr. Boyd is speaking. Have heard great things about her. However, with no informed oversight from school board and LOUDDD voices from the open FCPS crew, I'm nervous. She's giving the COVID stats. They're bad. But not as bad as the rest of the country
Basically she's talking risk. But she's really not making me feel good about this return business, because she is talking about Hospital beds and such, without discussing the exponential nature of the incidence. "moderate" range becomes astronomical range PDQ. But they got slides
She is talking about about neighboring divisions and their mitigation measures. Masks, distancing (to the largest extent possible) hand washing, cleaning, contact tracing, and staff and students staying home when sick. It's like they don't understand how school works. I am struck
What is astonishing me is that they seem to believe that they will be able to keep students safe by following these guidelines but they don't even follow their guidelines regarding suspension and alternative school and behavioral interventions. This WILL NOT HAPPEN.
Oof. I mean there's no mention of asymptomatic carriers. And they don't follow their guidelines on anything, so I don't understand what this is. "we take this information very seriously" and Dr. Boyd is talking about implementation with fidelity. I mean...insert laughing face?
What I am saying here is not to be a hater. I want kids back in school as much as anyone, but we all know they DON"T IMPLEMENT ANY PLAN with fidelity, so I don't understand why they think this will happen. Especially considering the disparate COVID incidence across county.
Meaning in Herndon say, there will be a MUCH higher incidence rate of COVID risk than there will be at Langley, and they are both in Dranesville. Anyway, I think I'll just listen. Let me stop popping off. But none of this makes real sense because they are not capable of fidelity
Well okay, I'm just going to calm down because this is never going to happen. We will likely hit these metrics very shortly, so I can't see how this ever happens. I say this with great sadness. Also...teachers are not dispensable. Once they get sick not like we have endless subs
Working with the Fairfax County Health Department? When @AbrarOmeish asked Dr. Gloria if opening schools would cause death, she said "yes" just like that. Let me go get the screenshot of that. I know I have it somewhere. Maybe I tweeted it.
I haven't heard anything about regular testing. That wasn't listed in what Dr. Boyd called the mitigation measures. My daughter is at @OhioState and she is tested I think once every 4 or 5 days. They all are. That's the only thing keeping them on campus, where it is still bad
She is talking "audit process." Audit is another area where @fcpsnews is not known for doing good and solid work. BIG YIKES.
Oh lordt now they are talking about COVID dashboard to be shared transparently. I wonder if that will be as hard to find and navigate as their transparency pages.
I am not trying to be a hater here. I want kids back in school safely, and I don't hear anything to make me think that can possibly happen. Okay now Sean McD from HR is talking about the ADA requests the intents to retire, the actual #s. This is terrible It makes my stomach hurt
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