vernon is an amazing rapper and deserves more recognition: a long thread
disclaimer: im not rap expert but these are just some of my fave verses from him and i feel like he has an amazing flow and vibe to him when he raps & can do so many different styles quite effortlessly. he also actively takes part in writing his lyrics so that also +
adds to why i think he’s really good and has a bit of an edge! i hope this thread can help you appreciate vernon more as a rapper and appreciate his diversity and also maybe you’ll find some songs you like along the way 😉
also vernon actually participated in show me the money years ago but honestly they ridiculed and embarrassed him on that show for no reason at all so i will not be including clips from it because it upsets me but here cheol is rapping about it
and here’s what he said (and I think this is the nice version tbh) 😬
i guess ill start from his performance with tiger jk which was a huge deal considering tiger jk is such a respected artist in the rap scene :)
he did a collab stage with jooheon, mark and jackson and whilst they all ATE and did incredibly well, vernon’s part was my favourite :)
this song is q&a, a single they made ft. ailee in 2015 and it has some of my favourite vernon rap parts, he ate 👏🏽
his mansae parts! he bounces along with the beat so well? i just love it 👌🏽
boomboom! i loved his verse in this i always like how his verses break up the vocals 👌🏽
i always feel like people forget that chuck exists but id say it’s one of svt’s more “hard hitting songs” & all the rapping in this is actually a+
check in! oh my gosh i love his flow in this so much it’s just so carefree & chill but somehow it still hits you?
i feel like vernon’s verses just add a little edginess to svt songs & i LOVE that
trauma is undoubtedly my favourite vernon verse like im sorry but he ATE this.
rocket is another one of my fave verses of his, the way he has those slight changes in his flow is just 👌🏽
he has a song with tobi lou who is also a good friend of his called “looped up” and the entire song is 👌🏽
also brief intermission to say that he’s also an incredible vocalist but im not gonna be including that here just because i wanna focus more on his rapping, though his rapping does get very lyrical and melodic at times :)
a-teen! this was actually an ost for the web series and he killed this 👌🏽
oh my! remember when i said his raps can be very melodic? perfect example:
call x3! a nice “harder hitting” verse from him but it still flows really nicely 👌🏽
chilli! back with the “melodic” rap:
this is vernon’s solo version of lotto! svt’s hip hop unit have a lot of soundcloud songs which they tend to perform in concert & they slap 👌🏽
lotto new remix vernon - he also looks stupidly hot here like hello???
his iconic getting closer verse! king 🙌🏾
his fear verse, short but impactful 👌🏽
his hit rap! again short but impactful and filled with his trademark charisma
again his verse in snap shoot just adds that edginess to a seventeen song plus that church organ in the bg 👌🏽
his lucky verse is another of my faves, bc it’s so fun and the lyrics are great too 👌🏽
network love he gave us all different vibes & flows and even sang a little 👌🏽
9-teen! another ost for the web series (and i forgot to mention they were awarded best ost at mama for their other ost) :)
if you haven’t checked out fearless by seventeen DO THAT. but vernon’s part really set the tone for the entire song 👌🏽
left & right vernon doing what he does best, giving us a cool verse that adds an edginess to the song 👌🏽
and also some melodic rap in my my:
i LOVE his parts in do re mi, from the fun influxes with his words to the little throwback to trauma with the “boxed in boxed in/boxing us in” loved this so much to be honest 🥰
his home run verse? period 👏🏽
even though he says in “hit song” that he isn’t the best rapper, i think he’s pretty great & getting better 🥰
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