Rs are conspicuously NOT talking about ES&S, which controls more of the voting machine market than Dominion, has donated $30k to the GOP, lied about remote access & internet connectivity, & made black votes disappear. Dominion was supposed to break up ES&S’s monopoly in 2010. 1/
The “sale” & dissolution of Diebold was largely smoke and mirrors . Although Dominion got the intellectual property, ES&S kept most or all of the Diebold servicing and maintenance contracts. 2/
The estimates that give ES&S 44% of the market & Dominion 37% are, in my opinion, likely way off. The real control comes from the contracts, not the intellectual property, but these estimates are generally based on the latter, making Dominion’s share look bigger than it is. 3/
ES&S is the largest threat, though I’d be happy to see Dominion out of business too. Taking out Dominion & leaving ES&S will give the GOP more control over elections, not less. It was Chuck Schumer that asked the DOJ to intervene when ES&S had 70% of the market. 4/
That intervention resulted in Dominion entering the US market. But Ds appear to have been screwed in the deal. The most blatantly corrupt vendor, ES&S, kept most or all of Diebold’s contracts & the control that goes with that. 5/
This is why the GOP is selectively attacking only Dominion. They want ES&S to keep doing whatever it’s been doing. It is very dangerous. 6/
I’m no fan of Dominion. I have campaigned against the Dominion ICE and the crappy Dominion system in Georgia. But anyone who attacks only Dominion is up to no good. No legitimate election-security advocate would ignore ES&S whose transgressions have been much more blatant. 7/
I discussed ES&S, Diebold, Dominion & how Chuck Schumer for the DOJ to break up ES&S’s 70% monopoly here. 8/
11/ An ES&S voting system also vanished black votes in Memphis where Republicans are champing at the bit to buy more equipment from ES&S.
14/ From last year. That the GOP will criticize only Dominion—a company whose market entry was supposed to break up ES&S’s stranglehold on the market—is a “tell.” ES&S is larger and blatantly corrupt. It’s equipment is insecure & they lie about it.
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