I've had *lots* to say about the cabinet, the presidency, and the transition lately. Most of the material was prompted by questions online or from friends and colleagues. So I thought I'd put all of the material into one resource thread. Hope it's helpful! 👇
Obviously, all of my ideas and work about the cabinet started with the book: THE CABINET. Which is fitting, because our experience today with the cabinet has direct ties to the formation of the institution by George Washington. https://www.amazon.com/Cabinet-Washington-Creation-American-Institution/dp/0674986482/
A thread on lame-duck turnover and when presidents have fired secretaries in their last year in office: https://twitter.com/lmchervinsky/status/1325919717266235397?s=20
This month's Spot of Parchment (always the 15th of the month), will be on the history and precedent of the lame duck period. You can sign up here to get it in your inbox Sunday morning: https://www.subscribepage.com/spotofparchment 
Let me know if you have questions about the presidency, the cabinet, the transition, etc. and I'll see if I can make a post, article, or thread to answer! As things come up over the next few months, I'll add to this thread. Stay tuned!
You can follow @lmchervinsky.
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